Sunday, October 14, 2007


Woh…Mum got a three-day off. It has been a long time since I spend any time with her. Needless to say, I’m going through a miserable weekend.

On the Saturday morning, mum screamed the whole family to wake up. She wanted us to help her with ‘gardening work’. Omg! It was a damn tough job. Imagine, cleaning up a five feet area full of grass with the endless root underneath. The digging part was pretty tiring. I even had blisters on my palm. I like pulling the roots. My fingernails were all covered with mud and millions of microorganism. Eee…who knows I was actually touching some kind of animals dung? Erm…maybe it is good for skin? Lolx! Anyway, gardening was quite fun rather than reading a History book.

Sunday was ladies’ day- shopped for the whole day (bored)….

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